Alps Epic Trail Davos

The longest single track in Switzerland
Alps Epic Trail Davos – Mountainbike tour

Bike tour tip: Alps Epic Trail

The “Alps Epic Trail Davos” was designated IMBA Epic Trail in 2014. The trail between Jakobshorn and Filisur has thus been accepted into the prestigious circle of the world’s best mountain bike track. Switzerland's longest track unbundling provides even more flow.

Anyone who rides up almost 1000 meters in altitude from Jakobshorn to Filisur and down far more is on the more than 40-kilometer-long "Alps Epic Trail Davos." The trail's flagship. The well-known mountain bike route in the Davos Klosters destination is the first and so far only one in Switzerland to be awarded the "Epic Trail" title by the international mountain bike organization "IMBA." Its inclusion in the Olympus of the best mountain bike trails has increased its popularity enormously in a short space of time. No wonder: only three other routes in Europe, in Finland, Wales and Iceland, have received this award so far.

  • Bike-Tourentipp: Alps Epic Trail Davos
  • Bike-Tourentipp: Alps Epic Trail Davos
  • Bike-Tourentipp: Alps Epic Trail Davos

Popular route, different needs

Part of this route runs on the way from Jakobshorn to Sertig and up to Rinerhorn, which is also very popular for hiking. In the summer months of June to October 2019 alone, 21,000 hikers and 9,800 bikers were counted on this route. And the trend is rising. Sometimes it's like shopping before holidays or in rush hour on the commuter train: wherever people get too close, they get into arguments. Bikers want to ride single trails without constantly braking. Hikers, on the other hand, want to enjoy nature without having the feeling that someone is constantly approaching from behind. Time to untangle the routes.

Once again a pioneer in mountain biking

Last summer, the Trail Crew began construction work. As this is the longest disentanglement of its kind in Switzerland, Davos Klosters is once again taking a pioneering role in the biking sector. The new sections of the trail are 8.2 kilometers long in total. The hiking trail is designed so that it always runs a few meters above the mountain bike trail. While bikers previously had to pass hikers on the same path, hikers and bikers will now only share the path on short sections. And most importantly: the character of the path will be preserved. Stones on site were used for the construction and removed surface layers were used to renaturalize wild paths.

Faster than planned

Speaking of construction: The route disentanglement has progressed faster than planned and has been completed since summer 2023. On the stretch from Äbirügg to Sertig Sand, around 75 percent of the total route has been disentangled, and from the reservoir at Jakobshorn to Sertig Dorf it is around 50 percent. On the most important part of this route, i.e. the downhill from Witiberg, bikers have free rein.

10 Bike-Tipps für diese Tour

  • 01

    Easier with an e-bike

    Bike-Tourentipp: Alps Epic Trail Davos

    The Alps Epic Trail Davos is a sporty bike tour. The trail fun doesn't come for free. The trail is interspersed with climbs, short but often steep and crisp. With an e-bike you can master these parts effortlessly and save energy.

  • 02

    Stay overnight in a bike hotel

    Bike-Hotels: Mountainbiken in Davos Klosters

    From just one overnight stay, the day ticket for bike transport is included with the Davos Klosters Mountains. Ideal for the Alps Epic Trail Davos for the start with the Jakobshorn cable car. However, this only applies when booking the bike package directly at the bike hotel.

  • 03

    When in doubt: Ride with a Guide

    Mountainbiken, Alps Epic Trail Davos

    Are you not confident enough to tackle the Alps Epic Trail Davos alone or would you like to receive tips and tricks on riding technique during the tour? Book a local bike guide.

  • 04

    Coffee break in the Sertig side valley


    After a first flowing descent from Jakobshorn down into the side valley of Sertig, there are two options for a coffee break. Either at the Restaurant Bergführer or a little further along the road to Sertig Sand. The Walserhuus refreshment stop awaits you there.

  • 05

    Local beer from the brewery in Monstein

    Brauerei Monstein Zapfhahn Monsteiner Bier Monstein

    Enjoy a freshly tapped beer from the local brewery in Monstein. Tip: The new "Wannerli" is a non-alcoholic beer. Full-bodied with a pleasant bitter note. Ideal as an isotonic refreshment in between before the tour continues.

  • 06

    Lunch break at the Gässälibeiz

    Mountainbiken, Alps Epic Trail Davos

    Homemade soups and capuns, house sausages and freshly baked cakes: The Gässälibeiz in Jensiberg spoils you with local specialities. Ideal for a lunch break on the Alps Epic Trail Davos.

  • 07

    New: Overnight stay in Jenisberg

    Alps Epic Trail bernachtunsmoeglichkeit Jenisberg Saegaessaehenki

    Those who want to stay a little longer can now stay overnight in Jenisberg. The new overnight accommodation “Sägässähenki” with a far-reaching view over the valley is located directly opposite the “Gässälibeiz”.

  • 08

    Danny MacAskills Balancierstelle

    Mountainbiken, Alps Epic Trail Davos

    Dizzying: Near Wiesen station is the famous bridge from the bike video “Home of Trails”. The Scottish bike star Danny MacAskill balances there on the terrain wall over a precipice about 84 metres deep.

  • 09

    Photo stop at the Landwasser Viaduct

    The structure, which is over a hundred years old, is the landmark of Graubünden and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The bridge is a kind of oversized finishing arch and forms the brilliant finale on the Alps Epic Trail Davos.

  • 10

    Back with the nostalgia train

    Ab Filisur geht es entspannt mit dem Zug zurück nach Davos.

    Ab Filisur geht es entspannt mit dem Zug zurück nach Davos. Mit der Gästekarte Premium Card fahren Sie kostenlos, Sie brauchen lediglich ein Ticket für den Bike-Transport. Tipp: Eine historische Zugkomposition verkehrt zweimal täglich gemäss Fahrplan.


Tour description: Alps Epic Trail

Until now, no other trail in Switzerland has been crowned ‘IMBA Epic Trail’. Thus the «Alps Epic Trail Davos» belongs to the circle of the best mountain bike trails around the world. As the trail is not officially signposted, here is a detailed tour description.

The train takes you right to the top of the Jakobshorn, where the tour begins. You drive along the gravel road towards Sertig Dörfli. After a short climb, the single trail begins. Since it was renovated in 2015, it has been very nice to ride and the 730 meters of altitude to Sertig Dörfli fly by. Here you can either take a coffee break with the mountain guide or continue on the road to Sertig Sand to the Walserhuus refreshment stop and from there take the single trail to the Rinerhorn. This part of the route is signposted as route 647 Rinerhorn/Sertig, but in the opposite direction.

After a good 205 meters of altitude you reach the Äbirügg fireplace. From here you can enjoy a wonderful view. Continue on the road towards the Rinerhorn mountain station, past the mountain restaurant Rinerhorn. Soon the single trail branches off to the left towards Monstein. From here you can follow the route signs 335 Monstein. A hilly route leads via Nidel Löffel, Leidbach, Hauder- and Oberalp to Monstein. Here you will find the Monstein brewery. Good places to stop for a break are the Veltlinerstübli and the Ducan restaurant. However, you shouldn't eat too much as there are still a few kilometers ahead of you.

Continue on to Jenisberg. From now on, follow the route signs 338 Zügenschlucht. From Monstein, you first drive past the sawmill in the direction of the former ore mines/Silberberg, but before that turn left onto a slightly wider path that takes you further uphill. At Teuf Zügji, you have completed the altitude and turn right onto a single trail. From here, caution is advised as the path drops steeply in places. For bikers who don't suffer from vertigo, the ride is a pleasure. Through Brunnentöbeli, you continue past Löser, through Chüetobel until just before Jenisberg. A detour to Jenisberg is definitely worth it; you can get something to eat at the Gässälibeiz.

From Jenisberg, you can take the steep road down to Wiesen train station. Here, you should be careful of oncoming vehicles. If you want, you can treat yourself to a small snack at the "Züga-Beizli" with homemade, local specialties. From Wiesen train station, leave route 337 and follow the hiking sign to Leidboden, always along the Landwasser until you are under the Landwasser viaduct. After this impressive view, you climb up to Filisur train station, where you should treat yourself to a Filisur organic ice cream while you wait for the train.

Not signposted

Der Alps Epic Trail ist nicht ausgeschildert. Bitte lesen Sie zur Orientierung den Tourenbeschrieb.

What are IMBA Epic Trails?

IMBA Epic Trails are mountain bike routes around the world that offer backcountry adventure and have more than 80% single track or a length of at least 20 miles (approx. 32 km).


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