Davos Nordic Parks

Learn cross-country skiing the fun way
Davos Nordic Parks - Cross-country skiing for children

Two skill parks in Davos Klosters

Slalom poles, jumps, steep curves: in the two Nordics Parks in Davos and Klosters, adults and children improve their cross-country skiing technique – in a playful way and with lots of fun.

  • Langlaufen lernen in Klosters
  • Langlaufen lernen im Nordic Park in Davos
  • Cross Country Skiing Kids

Davos Nordic Park

The Davos Nordic Park is a cross-country skiing course for playful technique training at the Davos cross-country skiing center. Twelve different stations are available free of charge. A ptarmigan as the course mascot shows various exercises such as running in a figure 8, driving over a seesaw, ski jumping, skating or running on a mogul track. As soon as the snow conditions allow, the Davos Nordic Park will be set up and maintained mechanically and manually.

Operating times
Approx. December 20th to mid-March (end of season March 12th, 2023)

Funparcours Klosters

Learning to cross-country ski in a fun way is also possible in Klosters. At the end of December, a skill course with pole slalom, steep curves and wave tracks is set up at the Bündelti schoolhouse. The highlight is the Klosters "Alpes Cermis" waiting to be climbed. The course was created on the initiative of the Klosters IG Nordic and local families.

Opening times
From the end of December to the end of the winter season.

Cross-country skiing

Cross-country skiing

Too many people on the slopes? You won’t stand in line on the cross-country tracks.

From CHF 110.-

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