Would you like to do something good for yourself and enjoy time in the mountains of Davos Klosters? Then you have come to the right place.
You can find offers for body, mind and soul in the topic area «Leisure and health offers». Everything about medical care during the holidays, prehabilitation and rehabilitation can be found under the tile «Medical health offers». In addition, events on the topic of health also take place in Davos Klosters.
In Davos Klosters, hotels have specialized in holistic health tourism. Whether preventative or curative: anyone who wants to do something good for their health is in the best hands here.
Advantages of the "Davos Health" partner hotels
Spital Davos AG guarantees comprehensive healthcare for the general public, second-home residents and guests 365 days a year in the areas of surgery and orthopedics, internal medicine, care and nursing, as well as sport and prevention. The offer is supplemented by the hospital's own rescue service and a 24-hour emergency room.
Dialysis Davos for holiday guests
Spital Davos has five dialysis places and is equipped with new "Fresenius 5008/4008" dialysis machines. Spital Davos usually treats dialysis patients three times a week, in the morning and afternoon.
Idyllically located in Clavadel, the clinic in Clavadel offers an impressive high mountain panorama. The special low-allergen microclimate provides a natural source of strength. Ideal for patients who require pulmonary rehabilitation.
Swiss-wide expertise
Other specialties of the 111-bed clinic include musculoskeletal and internal-oncological rehabilitation as well as psychosomatics. The clinic has also made a special name for itself throughout Switzerland with its expertise in the fields of wound treatment and rehabilitation after liver transplants.
ANGERER Sport & Mode
Bike Academy Davos
Davos Fitness
Davos Sports & Health
Feldenkrais Ursula Kistler
Flury sports & coaching
Heierling Sportorthopädie
Lokal | Drinks, Food, Events
Mamafitness Davos
Medfit Davos
Miriam Herten Coaching
Nina Koller Zyklus Coaching
Nordic Academy Davos
Outdoor Trainings Davos
Praxis Olistico
Bewegungstherapie Reform
Serenity Davos
Starfire Mountain College Davos
Yogaplaza Davos
Which products and offers will enable Davos Klosters to be positioned more strongly than before as a destination for holistic health tourism in the sense of "staying healthy" and "enjoying"? This is the main task of the Davos Health office.
“Yoga ist eine zeitlose, pragmatische Wissenschaft, die sich über Tausende von Jahren entwickelt hat. Sie beschäftigt sich mit dem körperlichen, moralischen, mentalen und geistigen Wohlbefinden des menschlichen Wesens. “ B.K.S. Iyengar Im Hatha Yoga gibt es die Übungen für alle Altersgruppen und für jedes körperliche Niveau. Es ist eine Methode, die die Freude an der Bewegung mit der Möglichkeit des Aufbaus von Lebenskraft und Körperbewusstsein verbindet. In die Klassen stehen die achtsamen...