Accessible holidays

For guests with limited mobility
Accessible holidays for guests with limited mobility in Davos Klosters.

Barrier-free holiday

The mountain world in Davos Klosters is there for everyone. To ensure that guests with limited mobility can also enjoy a carefree holiday, there are barrier-free accommodations as well as wheelchair-accessible activities and barrier-free experiences.

Anyone who has ever been to the Berlin techno club Berghain knows that the door there is legendary hard - and not being able to get in is almost an honor. Otherwise, life is different. Because it is not a nice feeling to be denied entry or not being able to join in. Unfortunately, obstacles are part of everyday life, especially for people with limited mobility. It is good that there are more and more barrier-free options in Davos Klosters.

Accessible events

  • Access Unlimited
  • Access Unlimited
  • Access Unlimited

Unlimited summer activities

In summer, Davos Klosters offers numerous adventures: pedalo rides on Lake Davos, trips into the side valleys on an e-tandem bike or group hikes with the support of a "mountain drive". And that's not all: thanks to new aids such as tennis and golf wheelchairs, even more sports activities are possible without any problems. And barrier-free barbecue areas ensure a cozy picnic in nature.

Accessible winter sports

Winter also has a lot to offer. The cable car and the mountain restaurant on Madrisa are wheelchair accessible. The 6-seater chairlift Schaffürggli transports guests with monoskis. It is noteworthy that the safety bar closes and opens automatically. The seat height also adjusts to provide comfort. In the Parsenn ski area there is also a dual ski that can be rented. Thanks to ice gliders and cross-country sledges, you can also enjoy the ice rink in Davos and the cross-country ski trails. Nothing stands in the way of a visit to the HCD either: in the Davos ice stadium there are special box seats for people in wheelchairs.

Interactive map with barrier-free offers

The organization "Pro Infirmis" has examined Davos Klosters and documented all observations regarding accessibility. The result is an interactive map with all barrier-free options. Speaking of overview: In our holiday shop, hotels and holiday apartments with barrier-free facilities for guests with reduced mobility can be booked directly online.

17 tips: travel barrier-free

  • access unlimited barrierefreie Ferien Davos Bergbahnen Madrisa Rollstuhl
    Mountain railway rides with a wheelchair

  • access unlimited barrierefreie Ferien Rollstuhl Berge Sommer Davos
    Explore hiking trails with the «Mountain Drive»

  • Barrierefreie Ferien Rollstuhl access unlimited Bergbahnen
    Reduced cable car fares

  • Tandem E-Bike barrierefreie Ferien in Davos Rollstuhl
    A ride with the e-tandem bike

  • Pedalofahren auf dem Davosersee barrierefreie Ferien mit dem Rollstuhl
    Pedalo ride on Lake Davos

  • Golf barrierefreie Ferien in Davos Rollstuhl
    On the golf course with the golf wheelchair

  • Rollstuhltennis barrierefreie Ferien in Davos
    Rent a tennis wheelchair in Klosters

  • Barrierefreie Kutschenfahrt in Davos Klosters mit Rollstuhl
    A barrier-free carriage ride

  • Nostalgiezug RhB Alpine Circle Berge Aussicht Täler Ausflüge Rundreise
    Time for a train ride

  • Eishockey im Rollstuhl in Davos barrierefrei
    On the ice with the ice glider

  • HCD-Match Rollstuhlplätze barrierefreie Plätze
    Experience hockey spectacle at the Davos Ice Stadium

  • Barrierefreier Langlaufschlitten langlaufen Langlauf Rollstuhl Winter
    With the cross-country ski sledge on the trail

  • Barrierefrei skifahren im Rollstuhl in Davos Klosters
    Off to the ski slopes

  • Winterwandern im Rollstuhl in Davos Kinder Familien barrierefrei
    Winter hike with a wheelchair

  • Hallenbad Eau-là-là Davos aussen Nachtaufnahme
    Off to the indoor pool

  • Infobüro Davos
    Guest advice is barrier-free

  • Kirchner Museum Saal
    Barrier-free cultural offerings

Barrier-free barbecue areas

Enjoy a picnic together in nature: The following fire pits in Davos Klosters are not only barrier-free, but are also maintained and stocked with wood by the works.


  • Äbirügg (Rinerhorn)
  • Chintsch-Hus (Dischmatal)
  • Davosersee (Zugang vom Steg)
  • Heidboden
  • Schwarzsee Laret


  • Alp Novai
  • Pardenn
  • Kinderland-Madrisa
Picknick mit Rollstuhl am Schwarzsee Davos

Wheelchair accessible hikes

The hiking area in Davos Klosters offers hiking and walking trails that you can also use with an off-road wheelchair.

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