
Education Research Davos Albert Einstein

Place of education and research

The Fridericianum, a kind of high school for tuberculosis patients, was founded in Davos in 1878. Immediately after the turn of the century, Carl Dorno – founder of what is now the Davos Physical-Meteorological Observatory and World Radiation Center – opened the first small research institute.

As the location of four internationally renowned research institutes with hundreds of scientists from all over the world, Davos today has a high status in the international knowledge society. In 1928, Albert Einstein opened the first "Davos University Courses". Davos had definitely risen to become a conference city and a meeting place for intellectual elites.

Thomas Mann, Arthur Conan Doyle and Robert Lois Stevenson are just a few of the many scientists who have worked in Davos in the past. The "Davos City of Knowledge" association ensures that valuable knowledge will continue to be created in Davos in the future. As the location of internationally renowned research institutes with hundreds of scientists from all over the world, Davos today has a high status in the international research society.

Possible company tours and speakers on request.

  • Institutes/Research Centers Davos
  • Davos City of Knowledge
  • University of Applied Sciences

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