Bergbahnen Davos Klosters

Sustainability, environment and energy
Mountains Davos Klosters Winter

The mountain railways are pioneers in climate protection

Snowmaking, slope preparation or lifts: criticism keeps cropping up that mountain railways have too much of an impact on nature - and are not sustainable. However, pioneers like the Davos Klosters mountain railways are proving the opposite. An insight.

Davos Klosters Bergbahnen AG has been committed to more efficient and sustainable development for years. Whether in construction projects, in daily work, in snowmaking or in its own hotel and restaurant operations. It does this to take responsibility and to set a good example in the Davos Klosters destination. All measures taken by Davos Klosters Bergbahnen pursue a common goal: sustainable mountain tourism and more efficient company management. Step by step, the mountain railways have continuously implemented projects in terms of energy efficiency, energy production and the environment in recent years.

More information

How the Davos Klosters mountain railways are committed to sustainability.


11 realized environmental projects

  • 01

    Solar panels on the Jakobshorn

    PV system mountain railways Ischalp Jakobshorn

    With numerous PV systems on buildings in the valley, the mountain railways have been relying on ecological electricity for several years. Now existing buildings on the mountain are being developed: Since winter 2022, two new photovoltaic systems have been producing renewable electricity on the Jakobshorn. In addition, another 50 solar modules were installed at the Jschalp middle station.

  • 02

    Expansion of hydroelectric power plants

    Hydroelectric power plant Davos Bergbahnen

    In order to make snow on the Jakobshorn every winter, the cable cars use pipes from the Jschalp to the slopes. They transport water upwards using pressure pumps. In 2021, the cable cars added turbines to the existing infrastructure in order to produce ecological electricity from hydropower - also for the population.

  • 03

    Parsenn and Weissfluhjoch

    Bergbahn Davos

    The solar system at the SLF building on the Weissfluhjoch is one of the first systems to be built in Davos. It has been producing sustainable electricity since 2002. The solar cells are installed on the facade to use the sun's rays as efficiently as possible. The mountain railways will expand the system in 2023. A PV system has also already been implemented at the Parsenn valley station.

  • 04

    Hydroelectric power station at Rinerhorn


    The mountain railways collect water using existing pressure pipes and produce electricity using a turbine. The water for this comes from the Rieberbach and Leidbach on the Rinerhorn. The mountain railways use the energy to operate charging stations, heating systems and snowmaking systems, among other things.

  • 05

    Less heating oil in the mountains

    Parsenn Winter

    The Davos Klosters Bergahnen are dismantling oil heating systems. One example: With a new heating system made from more environmentally friendly energy sources, the Weissfluh summit is now completely oil-free. With all the projects already implemented, 45,000 liters of oil are saved annually. More projects will follow.

  • 06

    Solar energy on Pischastrasse

    PV system Pischabahn

    Six photovoltaic systems have been installed on the roofs of the Davos Klosters Bergbahnen staff apartments on Pischastrasse. They produce 38,000 kWh of electricity per year. That is enough to supply all 60 apartments with sustainable electricity.

  • 07

    Preserving biodiversity

    Waldschutz in Graubünden

    Clearing the Gämpi area of bushes: What sounds bumpy has a big impact. The fen can regenerate. Spruces, larches and shrubs have overgrown and displaced the fen. This habitat worthy of protection is now being cleared. This is important for the local flora and fauna, increases the biological diversity in the fen and creates habitats.

  • 08

    Preserving dry meadows in Davos Klosters

    Flower meadow (c) Davos Klosters Mountains

    The number of dry meadows and pastures in Switzerland has shrunk by around 95 percent since 1900. This makes it all the more important to protect and promote them. A large dry meadow is located on the Seewer Berg on Parsenn. The mountain railways maintain these areas and thus promote biodiversity.

  • 09

    Nüllisee at Rinerhorn

    Nuellilake Rinerhorn

    The reservoir was built in 2021. This means that the cable cars have to pump up much less or hardly any additional water. This saves energy. The company sees this as another important milestone in achieving the goal of a positive energy balance. An educational trail on hydropower at Rinerhorn is planned along the existing hiking trail from the mountain to the valley station.

  • 10

    Preserving habitat for capercaillie

    myclimate project

    Parts of the Wiesner Alp and the Rinerhorn in the Würzenwald will be reforested over the next 15 years. The mountain railways are participating in this project in order to preserve the capercaillie population in the long term. The conscious management of these forests generally benefits biodiversity.

  • 11

    Energy self-sufficient accommodation Hotel Ochsen 2

    PV System Hotel Ochsen Davos

    Enjoy your vacation with a clear conscience? At the Hotel Ochsen 2, the entire electricity requirement is covered by the photovoltaic system on the roof. The energy required for heating and water heating comes from geothermal energy. This means that the hotel only uses energy that it produces itself and that does not cause any CO2 emissions.


Our goal is to produce more energy'

The Davos Klosters mountain railways are investing around 10 million Swiss francs in the expansion of photovoltaic (PV) systems. This will enable them to produce a significant portion of the electricity they need themselves. Martina Mehr, project manager for "Renewable Energies", talks about the company's measures.

Martina Mehr, with the "Solar Energy" master plan, 40 new photovoltaic (PV) systems will be installed on existing buildings. What is the current status?
The 40 PV systems on existing buildings will be added primarily at mountain stations. In summer 2023, we will implement twelve projects that will create solar systems. These include, for example, solar panels on the Jakobshorn, i.e. on the facades of the Jschalp middle station. Another hydroelectric power plant is being built at the valley station on the Rinerhorn. It is open to visitors and includes a water adventure trail.

Martina Mehr Nachhaltigkeit Bergbahnen Davos Klosters

The mountain railways have been relying on hydropower with three small power plants for years. What is the energy used for?
The lines for the hydroelectric power plants come from snowmaking. We use the existing infrastructure when we are not making snow to produce renewable energy. This means we can use the existing power lines and hydropower on the Jakobshorn to generate electricity for around ten months of the year. In spring and summer in particular, snowmelt ensures that there is a lot of water available. We already generate 60 percent of the electricity needed for snowmaking on the Jakobshorn itself. Snowmaking offers positive synergies for electricity production.

How high is the level of self-sufficiency?
It is already possible to cover a significant part of snowmaking using hydropower. However, it is still difficult to store electricity these days. In preparation for the winter season, it is not yet possible to cover demand at peak times using self-generated electricity. We try to supply the businesses and buildings on the mountain largely with renewable energy.

Sind die Projekte kostenintensiv?
Ja, alle Projekte sind mit hohen Investitionen verbunden – darunter auch unser Photovoltaikausbau. Unsere Strategie «Masterplan Solarenergie» ist mit 10 Millionen Franken daher ein klares Bekenntnis, weil wir wissen, dass wir auch künftig viel Strom benötigen werden.

“We already generate 60 percent of the electricity needed for snowmaking on the Jakobshorn itself.”

So will the company soon be able to supply itself with electricity completely independently?
This will not be possible with photovoltaic systems alone. Our short-term goal is to ensure that operations are as resource-efficient as possible. With the expansion of photovoltaics and hydropower, our medium-term goal is to increase energy efficiency.

New systems have been installed at the valley station 2nd section Jakobshorn, on the Weissfluhjoch and Parsenn. Is this also part of the "Photovoltaics" master plan?
Yes. The new PV system on the facade at the Jschalp middle station produces electricity in summer and winter. An existing system is being supplemented on the SLF building on the Weissfluhjoch and further locations are being added on Gotschna.

Solar systems are being built at 40 locations: What happens next?
We have been implementing projects continuously since spring 2022. However, we are outside the construction zone and the processes are therefore not only complex but also time-consuming - even on existing buildings. We usually need four to five months to obtain a building permit. Delivery bottlenecks meant that we were unable to implement certain projects until 2023. Another 12 to 13 new systems are planned for 2024. The time span in which we can implement construction projects is short: it only lasts a few months - from the snow melt in May to mid-September.


Critics often ask how sustainability and snowmaking fit together. What do you say to them?
I think many people have the wrong idea about snowmaking. It is true that water and energy are necessary for it. With the help of our four reservoirs on the mountain, we use the existing water that is created by precipitation and snowmelt. This allows us to keep the period for snowmaking as short as possible and make it more efficient because the water does not have to be pumped up from the valley and the pressure on the mountain is higher. We are talking about a few days in autumn that are needed to make snow on an area.

Snowmaking still leads to CO₂ emissions.
Yes. According to an analysis by the Swiss Federal Office of Transport, however, it only makes up a small part of the overall CO₂ balance of a holiday stay: only around 10 percent is attributable to snowmaking and piste preparation. The guests' journey alone accounts for 70 percent. Nevertheless, as mountain railways we want to make the greatest possible contribution to making our holiday region as resource-efficient as possible.

“With the help of our four reservoirs on the mountain, we use the existing water that is created by precipitation and snowmelt.”
  • Martina Mehr Davos Klosters Bergbahnen Nachhaltigkeit
  • Martina Mehr Bergbahnen Davos Klosters
  • Martina Mehr Bergbahnen Nachhaltigkeit Davos

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