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Alpine Parade in Klosters Monbiel

Alpine Parade in Klosters Monbiel

14. September 2024

Sat, 14.09.2024

Event Locality
Monbiel Parkplatz
7250 Klosters

Destination Davos Klosters
Alte Bahnhofstrasse 6
7250 Klosters
Tel:+41 81 410 20 20

The decorated cattle are driven down from the alpine pastures.

In addition to the tradition, the guests can enjoy the culinary delights and the market with alpine cheese tasting and local products. For the younger guests we have also a kids’ programme. Musical entertainment is also provided in the afternoon with the «Parsenn Älpler». Free entrance.
NEW: Älpler-Lusi In the evening we will celebrate the big alpine festival with the «Älpler-Lusi». The guest can look forward to a concert evening with «?Die Grubertaler?» and «?Swen Tangl?». Of course, there will also be some Drinks at the bar and food.
