In 2024, Davos will celebrate the 100th anniversary of Thomas Mann's literary classic "The Magic Mountain". Various events, from the SAMD Week to the "Thomas Mann Days", will shed light on the novel, the author and Davos' history. The celebrations will extend into the following year to also mark Thomas Mann's 150th birthday.
In 1924, Thomas Mann completed the book The Magic Mountain. Over the last hundred years, this work has become more than just important for the landscape and the city of Davos. Although it was initially confronted with criticism, "The Magic Mountain" is now a novel that is an integral part of international literary art. "The Magic Mountain" became a literary identification for Davos. The Schatzalp and the Waldhotel, where his wife Katja was a patient, served as inspiration for Thomas Mann.
Originating from a farming village, Davos developed into an internationally recognized and extremely well-known health resort with numerous sanatoriums, before also growing into a sports and tourism stronghold. Today, Davos is an integral part of the map. Thomas Mann's play "The Magic Mountain" contributed significantly to Davos' international fame. In 2024, "The Magic Mountain" will celebrate its centenary. Thomas Mann was born in Lübeck in 1875. In 2025, Davos will celebrate its 150th birthday.
Davos will have great historical and literary significance in 2024 and 2025. Davos wants to underline this importance and implement various projects on Thomas Mann and the "Magic Mountain" in Davos over the two years. Thomas Mann is to be resurrected and made tangible - for locals, second-home residents and guests. Davos is honoring this masterpiece with various projects spread over the two years. More information will follow shortly.