Ice climbing

An ice-cold thrill
 Ice climbing at the frozen Sertig waterfall in Davos.

Ice climbing in the Sertig side valley

Climbing a frozen waterfall with an ice pick and crampons and testing your own limits: ice climbing is attracting more and more adventure seekers. The Sertig side valley in Davos offers optimal conditions for this all winter long.

Carabiners rattle, hooks clink, ice splinters trickle down. With one hand you hammer an ice pick into the wall above you and ram the crampon into the ice. Take a short break. Take a deep breath and carry on. Step by step you climb the cascades of the frozen waterfall, which shimmers in different shades of blue in the light. This is more or less what an ice climbing adventure in Sertig feels like.

Provider for ice climbing tours

Local mountain guides are a good choice for your first climbing attempts.

  • Drohnenaufnahme vom Sertigtal in Davos Klosters im Winter
  • Eisklettern in den Schweizer Alpen beim gefrorenen Wasserfall im Seitental Sertig in Davos Klosters.
  • Eisklettern in den Schweizer Alpen beim gefrorenen Wasserfall im Seitental Sertig in Davos Klosters.

Idyllic journey to Sertig for ice climbing

If you take bus number 308 from Bahnhof Platz to Sertig Sand, you will quickly feel like you have been transported to another world. No wonder: an untouched winter landscape with old Walser houses is a contrast to the highest town in the Alps. And all this in just 25 minutes. There are also a limited number of parking spaces for cars on site. The walk to the frozen waterfalls from the Walserhuus takes about an hour and is partly steep uphill. When there is fresh snow, snowshoes are worthwhile to save energy for climbing.

Bergführer Gotschna


Additional equipment required for ice climbing

For anyone who already climbs on rock: The rope handling and the process for ice climbing is similar to that used in alpine multi-pitch climbing. The climbing technique itself is not much different for ice climbing. However, additional equipment is used for ice climbing. These include ice screws, steep ice axes, special crampons and gloves with a good grip. In addition, warm gloves and a down jacket keep you warm when belaying, as you are standing in the shade for long periods.

Different levels of difficulty

The frozen waterfall in Sertig is mainly suitable for multi-pitch routes with a length of 150 to 180 meters of climbing. The difficulty levels vary from easy (WI 3) to very challenging (WI 5). This means that there is a suitable route for every climbing level. Beginners to ice climbing should ideally be accompanied by a mountain guide.

4 tips for ice climbing

  • 01

    Have an experienced person with you

    Eisklettern in den Schweizer Alpen beim gefrorenen Wasserfall im Seitental Sertig in Davos Klosters

    It is advisable to undertake your first attempts at ice climbing under the supervision of a mountain guide. Not only for safety reasons, but also because ice climbing requires a lot of equipment. This can easily be provided by mountaineering schools during a course.

  • 02

    Plan your journey

    Winterwanderung zum Eisklettern in den Schweizer Alpen beim gefrorenen Wasserfall im Seitental Sertig in Davos Klosters

    Plan your journey Bus number 8 takes guests from Platz train station to Sertig Sand in 25 minutes. There are also a limited number of parking spaces on site. The walk from Walserhuus Sertig to the frozen waterfalls for ice climbing takes around an hour. Snowshoes are worthwhile when there is a lot of snow.

  • 03

    Obtain rental equipment

    Eisklettern in den Schweizer Alpen beim gefrorenen Wasserfall im Seitental Sertig in Davos Klosters

    Mietmaterial besorgen
    Im Vergleich zum normalen Klettern am Fels benötigt man beim Eisklettern zusätzliches Material. Dazu zählen Eisschrauben, Steileispickel, spezielle Steigeisen und Handschuhe mit gutem Grip. Wem noch etwas zum Eisklettern fehlt, kann dies vor Ort in Davos im Sportgeschäft Fullmoons mieten.

  • 04

    Acquire knowledge

    Eisklettern in den Schweizer Alpen beim gefrorenen Wasserfall im Seitental Sertig in Davos Klosters.

    In the video series “Ice Climbing: Technique & Tactics”, specialists from Go Vertical impart useful knowledge about ice climbing in 19 episodes.



Go Vertical Guides Davos

Promenade 127, 7260 Davos Dorf

+41 81 413 25 00


Bergführer Gotschna


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